LOTTO 649  Group Info.


Hello and Welcome.

I have been running and managing lottery groups since 2015.

I recruited some friends and neighbors to the groups and we have played since that date. I am one of those retired members.

We started with a small group of players and currently sit at 12 and have stayed that way for several years now. We all have the dream of winning the “Jack Pot”, and sharing the wealth.

Our first game was Lotto 649 & Western 649 and The Extra, we tried the Daily Grand and The Extra for 3 rounds and then moved over the Lotto Max and Extra.

We're  currently on Round 17 of the Lotto 649 play and Round 14 on the Lotto Max with Extras draws. So every 26 draws, I am collecting money and filling in forms. The draws go by very fast, and it often seems that you just paid, when you're in more then one group.

Each of the games runs for 26 draws and all 12 players are in both groups.

Most of the players have been with our groups from the start, and I would now like to see who would be interested in joining and creating a new group.

A new group of players.

With this idea here, I would stick just to the Lotto 649 game with the Extra numbers added to the play. The Extra has been a good source of income for the group it has a payout of 250k.

This is how it works:

I act as the person IN TRUST, and handle all purchases and payments to Western Canada Lottery Corp.

All payments go on my credit card.

All documents are on-line and remain so, with Subscription Spot., and all indicate that I am in fact IN TRUST.

We get a subscription document with our chosen numbers, and the dates shown as too when they're in play. A recent example would be 10 Nov 20 / 10 May 21

I create a Lotto Group Buyers Agreement with your names listed and percentage you're entitled to.

All documents are emailed to each player, and I often create a checklist to follow along with each draw.

Now how does it work with the players selected numbers.

You supply your six favorite numbers, they go into play with the other players numbers. I will advise you if any numbers chosen are four or more in similarity to another players. So every draw date, your numbers play with the other group numbers, it just adds to bigger chance of winning and sharing.

Now with your chosen numbers are even close to another set it is your choice to continue with that set of numbers. Your numbers your game.


The Winnings and Cash input:

I have a linked bank account with W.C.L.C. and all winnings are deposited the next business day. I save those winnings until the next round to offset the cost of the new round. Or pay out a departing player if they choose to not continue to the next round.

The money is always held in my account until the next round, and the only time you would be paid out during a play period would be if a large substantial win occurred.

We have always held the funds in trust until the next round, it goes against the renewal payment and helps reduce our playing costs.

Some groups have had upwards of nine hundred dollars to offset the costs. One win put 500.00 into the account, on a 5 out of 6 Western 649 win.

If there is any over payments, after a subscription purchase I go out and buy over the counter tickets, and send copies to the group members.

What happens if you decide not to continue.


If a player departs the group at the end of a round and does not want to proceed to the next round, he or she is entitled to remain on the previous groups round, for as long as the free plays continue. Once those plays are finished, so are you. You do not continue any further at that point, and you only win on the free plays in motion, not the groups main numbers, as you opted out. So there you be no court proceedings, no complaining about not sharing in the main prize, if you opt out you are gone.

Sound Interesting would you like to be a group member?


If your interested in joining a group, which will be LOTTO 649 and the Extra. send me a message.

If there is enough interest and it is a go. I will email you back asking for your selection of numbers for 649.

Now this is important. If a group is formed minimum 5 players maximum 15 players, I need payment immediately, which means I send you a message, that I am ordering within 24 hours and payment is due.

I accept payments of cash, e-transfers and cheques.

The only rounds that will be ordered on line are 52 draws.

For Lotto 649 it is 3.00 plus 1.00 for the extra, so 4.00 per draw which is 26 x 4 = $104.00 and I charge a service fee of $2.50 due to the fact that credit card companies consider this purchase as a cash advance and lay on the fee. So to play it would be $106.50 for 26 draws which is 3 months. You can see this warning on the under “games” and “subscriptions.”

References available:

I can provide names and contact emails for references if you desire, I would first ask those in my current group if they wouldn't object to doing that. Some of them may even be reading this information, and may want to join up again.


I can just start up a list of interested players, and if it is a go, with a new group or two, we can begin.

So this is where the trust comes into play, you need to pay before you play. There are no IOU’s in this game.

You get the notice and like I said, within 24 hours I get paid.

I cannot chase you down for cash, I will not beg and play games about bad email addresses and bounced back e-transfers, it is just not fair to me.  I live out of town, I will not make trips into Edmonton to collect cash, e transfers are the best way to deal with this.

Documentation and files:

Now I kept every document, every subscription document and every winners certificate, I have everything since 2015 the file folder is very large.

I have added some scanned documents to show you what they look like. If you sign up you will receive that document package.. I never collect signatures on any of the buyers agreements, we act and trust each other in these groups.

Managing these groups can often take up a few hours in your day, the paperwork and document prep time is often a part time job so please keep that in mind.

So a lot of reading, but I tried to explain everything clearly.


Thanks for looking and your interest. I am open to phone calls if the need for anything is not clear or there is a concern.

So lets get a group going and lets win some money.

Now if your interested in forming a new group, my contact email is going to be 

Thanks. Dave